Real Estate Expertise 831.801.2400

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Guest Reviews

“I have worked with Ray and Peggy for the past 13 years, and on multiple transactions. Besides being great people, they do a great job. They know their business, and most importantly I trust them to give me straight advice.”

Tony Bruscia

“I have bought or sold 4 houses with Ray and Peggy and have always received exceptional service. They know the Hollister area well and are insightful and informative in locating the right house, or the right buyer. They provide great customer service, which is probably why I have never bothered to look for another agent in the 10+ years I have known them.”

Dave H.

For assistance in buying & selling homes, call Pierce Real Estate at 831-801-0835 today.

Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Sunday 11:00 am – 6:00 pm