Real Estate Expertise 831.801.2400

Summertime Yard Maintenance

Summertime Yard Maintenance With the Summer months comes special care to our yards. The rains have died down to almost no rain. Our plants and lawn go into a conserving mode, as do our bodies when the heat turns on. Here are some yard maintenance tips for the summer.....
Multigenerational Homes Are On The Rise

Multigenerational Homes Are On The Rise

As loved ones start to get older, we start to wonder: how long will they be able to live alone? Will they need someone there to help them with daily life? There’s a reason to ask those questions now more than ever, as the average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78...
I’m so excited, we submitted an offer!

I’m so excited, we submitted an offer!

Your agent has submitted your offer to the listing agent. Now what?! How long do I have to wait? What will the sellers say? Those are the questions that may be going through your head now. Unless the “boiler plate” of the contract is changed, the seller...
Let’s look at homes today..

Let’s look at homes today..

Let’s start off by saying, blogging has not been something that I ever thought I would be doing. But as the world turns so does our lives change. So hear goes… now since this is a real estate website I guess I better stick to real estate. At least for now....